Name - Zion Osmo
Address - Legend B.C.I. Ltd., located at 11 David Avidan St., Tel Aviv, Israel
Contact details - +972 52-3550825
Israel Business Services!
India and Israel have a rich history of economic, military, and political relations, which has led to a significant expansion in cross-border investments. At iAcquire Consulting LLP, we offer one-stop solutions for Israeli businesses looking to expand their operations in India.
Our team comprises seasoned professionals who specialize in providing practical assistance to Israeli companies looking to set up shop in India. We have a deep understanding of the Indian market, including competition, standards, price levels, barriers to entry, export procedures, and incentives.
We offer the following services to help Israeli businesses navigate the complex Indian market:
- Business Set-Up in India: We help Israeli businesses set up their operations in India, offering both equity and non-equity routes.
- M&A Advisory: We offer M&A advisory services to Israeli companies looking to acquire or merge with Indian businesses.
- Search for JV Partner: We specialize in finding suitable JV partners for Israeli companies looking to cover areas like manufacturing and sales in India.
- Capital Planning and Fund Raising: We provide a range of financing services, including cross-border equity and debt funding, project loans, and working capital loans.
- Financial Reporting and Tax Advisory: We provide financial reporting and tax advisory services to help Israeli businesses navigate the complex Indian regulatory environment.
- Risk Management in India: We offer risk management services to help Israeli businesses mitigate risks associated with setting up operations in India.
Our services also include valuation services to unlock fair and true integration value for potential joint venture partners, facilitating external commercial borrowings through both automatic and approval routes as permitted by Reserve Bank of India, private equity and venture capital funding, and services for setting up and operating non-banking financial companies in India.
We understand that businesses want an outsourcing solution they can trust and rely on. That’s why we provide consulting services with priceless support and handholding to avoid costly mistakes and save management time in dealing with finding the right partner, financial planning, tax complexities, and cumbersome statutory compliances.
If you’re an Israeli business looking to expand your operations in India, please contact us today to learn more about our services. We look forward to helping you succeed in the Indian market.